Jason from Hong Kong, having completed a degree in Global Shipping and Supply Chain Logistics, and halfway through his gap year, arrives during late July 2018 to help on the farm.
Today we are looking to buy cattle at a large stock sale in the midlands. |
Jason helps to re-align and adjust the wallaby exclusion wire outside the pasture fencing, and these Angus steers look on with interest.
Here a group of young Semmental Cross heifers calves watch as Jason un-wraps the silage.
Away from work, we try our luck fishing on the river.
Early in his stay here we had a very long and difficult job to do. It was to find and fix the cause of a blocked pipe, it took nine days to complete but he stayed to see it through, thanks Jason.
One of a backpacker's daily jobs is to feed the chickens and collect any eggs, and most days, even in winter he gets an egg or two. I don't know how he does it., I can't get any :)
Jason feeds a young colt at Ray and Kerry's home at Westbury. |