Thursday, 25 July 2019

It's mid July 2019 and we take the car on the ferry across Bass Strait for a ten day vacation to the mainland visiting family and friends.

We follow the coast along the Great Ocean Road, staying at Warnambool and Robe.

At Mannum we watched an old paddle steamer come into dock.

 Crossing the River Murray at Swan Reach on the punt to have lunch at the hotel on the cliff.

Now, watch out these guys are tough, check this out, daughter Kelly and grand daughters Molly and Frankie ready for anything.

 Grand daughter Molly just got a new pony, "Bubbles", and is keen to take her for a spin.
Frankie age 11 (on the left ) delivering a massive left hook to an opponent that is ten years older, cop this...."bring it on". 💪

 A common event on our travels is the sight of Kangaroos and Emus, but sometimes difficult to get close enough for a good photo.
( You might need to look closely.) 

 But our friend Peter has pet Kangaroos, even in the house, and then after pushing the cat off, this one got on the lounge. haha 

On the return journey we saw these amazing paintings of a possum and and King Fisher at Rochester in Victoria.

 And this wonderful cod.