Late in January 2017 we hosted Jere from Joensuu in Finland.
Here he removes pin rushes from one of the springs.
Installing a brace frame for a new cattle gate.
Jere brings stock into the next paddock.
Doing time in the veggie patch.
And on the lawn mower
Jere helping to align and re install a fence the stock broke through.
Winter is only a few months away so it's time again to cut firewood.
But not today Jere, it's just too good to work, so lets take the bikes to to beach !
Jere......are you really sure ??????
In Launceston off to find the free wifi.
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Here, Jere has won his eleventh game. Have some pity on me Jere, you are going to give me grey hair.
Today we got up before dawn to get an early start on a tour of Tasmania's best attractions beginning at Hobart and up to Mount Wellington. | | |
Then along the east coast and Jere is thinking " Mmmmm...I would really like to have a swim there".
And Bridport looks like the perfect place, but wait. "Why am I the only person in the water ?"
Touring is over now so it's back to the farm and this time we have some work for the tractor.
Slashing dry grass to prepare for new growth.
Lets go fishing on the river, yeeeeah
And we get a barracuda and 2 rock perch, fantastic!
Bringing the some cattle through the stockyards for drenching.
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